Useful information


All international students incoming in the framework of exchange programs are offered accommodation in university student houses. The standard accommodation option for both Polish and international students is a bed in a double room in so called „box”, i.e. two double rooms sharing a bathroom = 4 people in a box). Single rooms or single accommodation in a double room is not possible.

If you wish to be accommodated at one of our students halls, please include the "reservation for accommodation" form in your application form.

PLEASE NOTE: West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin cannot guarantee accommodation for international candidates applying after the deadlines.

Students enrolled at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering are accommodated in the Students house no. 4 (address: ul. Szwoleżerów 1/2, 71-062 Szczecin)

The price for a bed in a double room (full month rent for the period October – June) is 372 PLN (ab. 87 euro).

The standard procedure assumes that students check in a couple of days before 1 October (winter semester) and the starting date of the summer semester (usually around 20 February). If you wish to arrive well in advance, please check if this is possible – during the summer maintenance works are usually done and some rooms are not available.

Detailed information concerning accommodation is sent to accepted students by e-mail. If any of your questions remain unanswered, please contact

Medical insurance and service

Students from EU/EEA countries are entitled to medical services on the basis of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or its equivalent. The card should be obtained from students’ national health services before their departure for Poland.

For further information please see the website

Erasmus students are advised to consult doctors at the medical centre of the West Pomeranian University of Technology, ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 51 (general practitioners) and the interuniversity medical centre at al. Wojska Polskiego 97 (specialists).

Apart from EHIC it is advisable to carry also emergency travel insurance purchased before the arrival.

Buddy Student Program

To help incoming students find themselves in the new environment, West Pomeranian University of Technology organized a Buddy Student Program. Student buddies are local students registered at the host faculty (if possible) ready to offer their assistance upon your arrival . You can ask them to pick you up from the station, show you around the faculty, university and town, help with necessary formalities etc. They will also answer any questions about studying conditions and student life that may arise before your arrival.

Incoming students are notified about buddy’s contact details (name, address e-mail) in due time before their arrival and asked to get in touch with their buddies to communicate the details of their stay and get the answer to any question they may have on practicalities of student life at our University.